
Super Human Tape Measure Skills

This is one thing that Batman needs to add to his Bat-Belt.

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Parenting 101- "The Leash"

Wow. Those 2 kids without leashes on must really well trained...

These parents don't play favorites.

via thefortuno

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How to Accept an Unwanted Gift

via basicinstructions

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A.D.D. is a Serious Probl.....

THIS is how I feel a lot of the t

via baconbable

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The Macgyver Clip


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A REAL "Bee Movie" (w/ the sequel)

OK. Yes, these are videos about bees. No, it's not the most exciting thing you'll ever watch, but I'm sure you can use this educational moment to your benefit.

Bees are crazy. Hornets are crazier! Watch both of these back to back. The first one is kinda depressing...the second gives you some resolve.

If the first one is "The Empire Strikes Back"...then the second one is the "Return of the Jedi" of bee movies. (Just to give you Star Wars fans a bit of perspective.)

PS: How did they film some of those shots?!? It was like there were little cameras attached to the bees knees. Hmmm...

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How To Lose A Truck
